W koszyku
The Oxford Dictionary of Music / Michael Kennedy. - Reprinted (with corrections). - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1988. - XIV, 810 stron : nuty ; 24 cm.
The Oxford Dictionary of Music is the most comprehensive & accessible music reference of its size available. Here's a wealth of concise informationon music & musicians from the Middle Ages to the present. Written to appeal to general readers as well as professionals, it's an indispensable addition to the reference shelf of the concert goer, opera buff, record buyer, radio listener, tv watcher or anyone involved in music, amateur or professional. From Abbado to Zuckerman, from Abide with Me to Zar und Zimmermann, the book's easy-to-use, alphabetically arranged entries emcompass musical topics of all kinds: composers, performing artists, orchestras, titles & descriptions of individual works (including operas & ballets), musical instruments, musical forms & terms, institutions, & writers on music. Its coverage of composers offers up-to-date lists of principal works with unparalleled nationalities. The book is a revised & enlarged edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. It adds almost 500 completely new entries & features extensive changes & revisions (including complete rewriting in many cases) of some 150 other entries. [www.goodreads.com]
Strefa uwag:
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Kolekcja anglojęzyczna.
Stanowi poprawione i rozszerzone wydanie: The concise Oxford dictionary of music / Michael Kennedy. 3rd ed. London, 1980.
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Tekst w języku angielskim.
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