W koszyku
The truth / Terry Pratchett. - London : Corgi Books - Transworld Publishers, [20-]. - 443, [1] strona ; 18 cm.
(The Discworld series / Terry Pratchett ; 25)
William de Worde is the accidental editor of the Discworld's first newspaper. New printing technology means that words just won't obediently stay nailed down like usual. There's a very real threat of news getting out there. Now he must cope with the traditional perils of a journalist's life - people who want him dead, a recovering vampire with a suicidal fascination for flash photography, some more people who want him dead in a different way and, worst of all, the man who keeps begging him to publish pictures of his humorously shaped potatoes. William just wants to get at THE TRUTH. Unfortunately, everyone else wants to get at William. [https://www.storytel.com/pl/pl/szukaj-pratchett+the+truth, dostęp 28.11.2018]
Status dostępności:
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. WG-O/j.ang. (1 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga ogólna
T. 25 z cyklu "Discworld series".
Uwaga dotycząca języka
Tekst w języku angielskim.
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